Global Chart Guides
Below are important global charts that we need to focus on when the Album is released. In order to make Lisa's new songs and album enter these charts, we need to know the criteria contributing to charting including physical & digital purchasing, streaming and radio requesting.
Global Chart Guides
Below are important global charts that we need to focus on when the Album is released. In order to make Lisa's new songs and album enter these charts, we need to know the criteria contributing to charting including physical & digital purchasing, streaming and radio requesting.

Billboard Charts

Streaming counts both audio & video streams from music platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Amazon Music, Deezer, Pandora..etc
Paid streams (premium subscription) generally carry more weight than free or ad-supported streams
Digital sales: downloads of singles or albums from platforms like iTunes, Amazon, Stationhead...etc (digital purchases must be downloaded for them to be counted towards Billboard)
Billboard tracks digital purchases only once per customer per payment method on each platform which is different from iTunes Charts. (Find info about iTunes on Digital Purchasing Page)
Physical sales: purchases of CDs, Vinyl and other formats (limit to 4 copies max per transaction/unique customer)
Measure how often a song is played on radio stations in the US
Radio Requests, especially Most Requested Live (MRL) are important and contribute more airplays
Key Metrics for Billboard Charts
UK Charts

(This is the guide for UK fans mainly.)
***Physical purchase:
Please only purchase from certified stores in the UK to ensure your purchases are counted towards UK Chart (check our Physical Purchasing page)
On Amazon UK, only certain copies are eligible for the UK Official Albums Chart. Please buy the official copies from Lisa. (Avoid purchasing from resellers)

Spotify Charts
Top 50 Global: lists the most streamed songs globally on Spotify
Only filtered streams are counted towards Spotify Charts
Each free account can generate only 20 filtered streams per track per 24h. So, to enter the Spotify Global Chart, we need to stream with as many free accounts as possible. (While each account can generate only 20 filtered streams for Spotify charts, it's not the case for premium accounts & Billboard charts. So, we recommend you to maximize the use of your premium accounts by streaming from long playlists instead leaving your premium accounts after 20 filtered streams per day.)
Top Albums Global: highlights the most-streamed albums
Country-specific charts include local popular songs
For more guidelines on Spotify Streaming, please click here
For playlists, please click here
To see the daily charts, please click here

Apple Music Charts
Top 100 Global: a daily list of the most streamed songs on Apple Music worldwide
Country-specific charts: track top songs in individual countries
For more guidelines on Apple Music Streaming, please click here
For playlists, please click here
To see the daily charts, please click here
iTunes Charts
Track real-time purchases of singles and albums globally & by country
Please purchase Each Song on the album Separately
Please only purchase when the tracking period starts
You can create up to 4 iTunes accounts per payment method to purchase the digital song on iTunes
For more details about purchasing on iTunes, please click here
YouTube Music Charts
Top Songs: measure global and country specific music videos views
Top Artists: track artist views globally
Top Trending Videos: highlight viral content
For detailed guidelines on YouTube Streaming, please click here

Shazam Global Chart
Highlights the most searched songs on Shazam worldwide
Shazam is very important for radio airplays as many radio stations monitor Shazam's Top 200 charts (both global & regional) to find songs that are rising in popularity. This means Shazam can indirectly influence Billboard Hot 100 through radio airplays.
How to Shazam?
Download the Shazam App on App Store or Play Store & open it
While streaming Lisa's song on another device, tap the Shazam button and wait for the song to be recognized
For Android users: You can Shazam the same song as many times as you want, but you must clear the app data after each Shazam. If you don’t clear the data, only one Shazam per song will count every 24 hours.
For Apple/iOS users: You can Shazam a song once per day per Apple device. To increase counts, use other Apple devices such as Apple Watches, Apple TVs, iPads, and MacBooks.

Deezer Charts
Track top-streamed songs globally and locally on the Deezer platform
Just like other streaming platforms, Deezer does provide both free and paid subscriptions
Free accounts can stream music only through shuffle mode and with ads. They can also like artist profiles, albums, and songs, as well as add tracks to playlists.
Premium accounts offer an ad-free experience, allow users to play any track of their choice, queue playlists, enjoy HiFi audio quality, and listen offline.
There are also free trials for premium subscription available depending on your where you're from, please click here
It is important to note that premium streams are much more important than free streams for Billboard Charts, so please try to own at lease a premium account for each music platform.